SIC synchrotrons

Surface X-ray diffraction experiments at SOLEIL

Lindsay and Harald were at the SOLEIL synchrotron last week to perform measurements at the beamline SixS. They used X-rays to study the surface structure of an alloy of platinum with tin. The experiment was part of a collaboration with Lund University and the University of Bremen.

The X-ray diffraction instrument at SixS used to study surfaces in ultra-high vacuum.
The sample being heat-treated in the vacuum chamber. It’s the red-orange disc in the middle of the rectangular yellow-orange plate.
Surface X-ray diffraction signal. The vertical streak is called a ’rod’, and is characteristic for X-ray scattering from two-dimensional structures.

Two new projects financed by the Swedish Research Council

Results from the Swedish Research Council’s annual call in Natural and Engineering Sciences came this week and two projects from the materials group will get funding: Pär Olsson’s project concerns degradation of plasma-facing materials used in fusion reactors, where the highly aggressive environment with e.g. high temperatures and high-energy neutron radiation leads to unique and difficult-to-predict changes in microstructure and mechanical properties. Lindsay Merte’s project concerns the atomic-scale structures of two-dimensional catalyst materials and how these structures are affected by exposure to gas and liquid environments during reactions. The projects each run for 4 years and are expected to finance new PhD students in the group. Congrats Pär and Lindsay!


New PhD student: Welcome Indrajeet!

This week we welcomed Indrajeet Tambe, a new PhD student in the Applied Physics program. Before coming to Malmö, Indrajeet completed his master’s degree in Physics at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Mohali. His PhD project involves the development of 3D X-ray imaging techniques for metal foams. The work is part of a larger project in collaboration with Lund University and the University of Ulm, financed through the Röntgen-Ångström Cluster (RÅC).

Indrajeet Tambe

Grzegorz presents at annual Biofilms workshop

Grzegorz Sadowski gave a talk titled “Epitaxial growth and thermoelectric properties of Mg3Bi2 thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering” at the workshop “Biobarriers and biointerfaces: models and methods” in Malmö within the session “Novel materials and surfaces” chaired by Denis Music. The talked was based on his article in Applied Physics Letters (DOI: 10.1063/5.0074419). Mg3Bi2 thin film thermoelectrics can be applied near room temperature and have promising future for green energy generation.

imaging synchrotrons

Bragg CDI experiments at NanoMAX

Martin, Johan, Pär, and Mattias were at MAX IV last week performing measurements at the NanoMAX beamline. The goal of the experiment was to test the application of Bragg coherent diffraction imaging (CDI) to study precipitates in metal alloys.

3D map of a coherent Bragg reflection from a precipitate in an aluminum alloy

Funding for new equipment for thin film growth

Denis Music has been granted funding from the Mats Paulsson Foundation to purchase and install a new system for thin film growth by magnetron sputtering.  The equipment will enable growth of a wide range of materials, and will be used in projects at MTM and the Biofilms Research Center involving thermoelectric materials and biosensors. Congrats Denis!

CMS hydrogen

Andreas presents hydrogen diffusion results at international conferences

Andreas Krause presented his research at two conferences, the 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference in Galway, IR, and the 4th International Conference on Metals and Hydrogen in Ghent, BE. The research he presented involves the diffusion of hydrogen in complex metal carbides.

Structure of metal carbides analyzed in terms of Voronoi polyhedra.
SIC synchrotrons

MAX IV Student Science Award to Harald

Harald Wallander won the Student Science Award at the annual MAX IV User’s Meeting. He presented his work looking at platinum-tin surface alloys with ambient-pressure XPS, based on experiments done at the HIPPIE beamline. Congrats Harald!

Harald presenting his work at the plenary session.
This is the MaU logo

New PhD student: Welcome Sana!

This week we welcomed Sana Khayyamifar, a new PhD student in the Applied Physics program. Before coming to Malmö, Sana completed her master’s degree in Nano-Physics at the Alzahra University in Iran. Her PhD project involves the development of thermoelectric materials for power generation in flexible electronics.

Sana Khayyamifar