Senior staff

Christina Bjerkén, Professor (Bitr.)
Degradation and fracture of engineering materials; material modelling; sustainability

Jakob Blomqvist, Senior Lecturer
Synchrotron and neutron methods; surfaces, interfaces and catalysis; machine learning and DFT

Martin Fisk, Associate Professor
Material process modeling; synchrotron methods; microstructure and mechanics

Johan Hektor, Associate Senior Lecturer
Synchrotron and neutron methods; microstructure and mechanics

Andreas Krause, Lecturer
Science and engineering education; hydrogen embrittlement; DFT and MD modelling

Lindsay R. Merte, Associate Professor
Surfaces, interfaces and catalysis; synchrotron methods; corrosion

Pär Olsson, Associate Professor
Materials degradation; microstructure and mechanics; DFT and MD modelling

Håkan Wernersson, Senior Lecturer/Assist. Head of Dept. at MTM
Science and engineering education; product development and design
PhD Students

Dorotea Gajdek, PhD Student
Operando catalysis; synchrotron methods; ultrathin films
MaU staff page; PhD project page; ORCiD

Sana Khayyamifar, PhD Student
Thermoelectric materials; thin films
MaU staff page; PhD project page; ORCiD

Grzegorz Sadowski, PhD Student
Thermoelectric materials; thin films
MaU staff page; PhD project page; ORCiD

Indrajeet Tambe, PhD Student
X-ray and neutron Imaging and tomography; microstructure and mechanics
MaU staff page; PhD project page

Mattias Tidefelt, PhD Student
Metallic glass; synchrotron methods; microstructure and mechanics
MaU staff page; PhD project page; ORCiD

Harald J. Wallander, PhD Student
Operando catalysis; synchrotron methods; electrode materials
MaU staff page; PhD project page; ORCiD