Miguel Kofoed, who started his PhD in Applied Physics in November, presented his plans for his thesis work in a seminar today. Miguel is part of the PRISMAS Graduate School, a national network coordinated by the MAX IV Laboratory and funded by the EU through an MSCA Cofund project. His project is a collaboration between MaU and MAX IV, where he will work on the integration of diffraction and scattering methods at the Balder beamline, with special focus on the diffraction anomalous fine structure (DAFS) technique. DAFS can give atomic-scale information about materials like catalysts and batteries during operation, and so should help us to improve these technologies. Welcome Miguel and best of luck!
Kategori: SIC
Dorotea, Harald and Lindsay were at the PETRA III synchrotron in Hamburg last week, making high-energy surface X-ray diffraction measurements on model electrocatalysts – simplified materials that should help us understand how to improve the performance of electrolyzers and fuel cells. The experiments were part of a collaboration with Prof. Gary Harlow from the Oregon Center for Electrochemistry at the University of Oregon (go Huskies!). The X-ray measurements were made at the Swedish Materials Science beamline P21. Also joining the experiment was Andrea Grespi, PhD student from Lund University.
Lindsay and Harald were at the SOLEIL synchrotron last week to perform measurements at the beamline SixS. They used X-rays to study the surface structure of an alloy of platinum with tin. The experiment was part of a collaboration with Lund University and the University of Bremen.
Results from the Swedish Research Council’s annual call in Natural and Engineering Sciences came this week and two projects from the materials group will get funding: Pär Olsson’s project concerns degradation of plasma-facing materials used in fusion reactors, where the highly aggressive environment with e.g. high temperatures and high-energy neutron radiation leads to unique and difficult-to-predict changes in microstructure and mechanical properties. Lindsay Merte’s project concerns the atomic-scale structures of two-dimensional catalyst materials and how these structures are affected by exposure to gas and liquid environments during reactions. The projects each run for 4 years and are expected to finance new PhD students in the group. Congrats Pär and Lindsay!
Harald Wallander won the Student Science Award at the annual MAX IV User’s Meeting. He presented his work looking at platinum-tin surface alloys with ambient-pressure XPS, based on experiments done at the HIPPIE beamline. Congrats Harald!