Euro Nano Forum 2023 is a platform where academics meet industry and other technological actors. It’s held in Lund, June 11 to 13. Check up Gzegorz, Sana, and Denis in action!
Euro Nano Forum 2023 is a platform where academics meet industry and other technological actors. It’s held in Lund, June 11 to 13. Check up Gzegorz, Sana, and Denis in action!
The European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) has more than 4 000 members from industry, government, academia, and research laboratories, who meet regularly to debate recent technological developments of functional materials. Denis presented a talk tiled “Overlooked design parameters for efficient thermoelectric devices” at E-MRS 2023 Spring Meeting in Strasbourg.
Christina Bjerkén and Denis Music participated in the Climate Network for Researchers at Malmö University. It is our vision to consolidate efforts on sustainability issues across the boundaries of Malmö University and better integrate Materials Science into such endeavors. Items were discussed to enable supportive and productive ways to form a collaborative and interdisciplinary network. These include teaching, seminars, possible common projects, and the like.
Denis Music participated on the 10 year anniversary of Medicon Village in Lund, together with representatives of Malmö University and Lund University as well as regional and national policy makers. Medicon Village is a meeting place for research, innovation, and development within life sciences. The goal is to make Skåne an important international player within life sciences.
Grzegorz Sadowski gave a talk titled “Epitaxial growth and thermoelectric properties of Mg3Bi2 thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering” at the workshop “Biobarriers and biointerfaces: models and methods” in Malmö within the session “Novel materials and surfaces” chaired by Denis Music. The talked was based on his article in Applied Physics Letters (DOI: 10.1063/5.0074419). Mg3Bi2 thin film thermoelectrics can be applied near room temperature and have promising future for green energy generation.
Denis Music has been granted funding from the Mats Paulsson Foundation to purchase and install a new system for thin film growth by magnetron sputtering. The equipment will enable growth of a wide range of materials, and will be used in projects at MTM and the Biofilms Research Center involving thermoelectric materials and biosensors. Congrats Denis!
This week we welcomed Sana Khayyamifar, a new PhD student in the Applied Physics program. Before coming to Malmö, Sana completed her master’s degree in Nano-Physics at the Alzahra University in Iran. Her PhD project involves the development of thermoelectric materials for power generation in flexible electronics.