Results from the Swedish Research Council’s annual call in Natural and Engineering Sciences came this week and two projects from the materials group will get funding: Pär Olsson’s project concerns degradation of plasma-facing materials used in fusion reactors, where the highly aggressive environment with e.g. high temperatures and high-energy neutron radiation leads to unique and difficult-to-predict changes in microstructure and mechanical properties. Lindsay Merte’s project concerns the atomic-scale structures of two-dimensional catalyst materials and how these structures are affected by exposure to gas and liquid environments during reactions. The projects each run for 4 years and are expected to finance new PhD students in the group. Congrats Pär and Lindsay!
Kategori: CMS

Andreas Krause presented his research at two conferences, the 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference in Galway, IR, and the 4th International Conference on Metals and Hydrogen in Ghent, BE. The research he presented involves the diffusion of hydrogen in complex metal carbides.